Spiritual Journey. Healing Journey. The Path. Spiritual Awakening.
Whatever you call it, it’s work. It dredges past pains, failures, traumas, fears, and scarcities. It brings to the surface beliefs you created or were told, and frankly, aren’t for your highest good. The journey makes you face, battle, and conquer these “scary,” “negative” things. So why the hell do we want to do this? And for Pete’s sake, why are some of us actually drawn to this?
It’s an excellent question. It’s so we can succeed.
Success vs Challenge
Success is whatever is at the opposite end of your current challenge. Challenges, struggles, pain, and trauma can be found in any area of life: financial, business or career, family, health, relationships and romance, spiritual or religious. Despite struggles, some people are fine being where they are in life. Some of us strive for more – to overcome these challenges, heal our pain, and generally keep kicking ass at life because we understand there’s more out there.
When we succeed at a goal or figure out how to solve a current problem or pain, we experience significant feelings of accomplishment, triumph, victory, and perhaps spiritual bliss. The key to these elated feelings is in the act of working on our challenge. The path that leads you to success contains the gold.
This is the journey.
When we’re beginning a journey and haven’t yet realized it, we’re likely stressed, depressed, anxious, worried, overwhelmed, and, quite honestly, feeling very alone. (This is a special aloneness – because nobody else in the entire world knows your pain. Nobody can feel exactly what you do, and they’ll never be able to.)
But hold on! let’s not get stuck into victim mentality here. That wastes precious time, and although it’s an easy out for your mind, it’s tough on your body, emotions, and spirit. What do you do instead?
Take responsibility.
This struggle is yours. Even if the challenges you’re experiencing are shared (like in a marriage or business partnership), you’re in charge of YOU. You’re in charge of your own feelings. You’re in charge of your actions. In fact, you were in charge of getting yourself into this painful circumstance, whether your conscious mind believes that or not. Basically, your journey and healing to get from this pain to success stems from YOU.
The actions you take to overcome pain, stress, struggle, or figure out a low-vibing feeling you have result in wisdom and a new skill set. Now, overcoming pain doesn’t mean you’re not going to experience more “struggle” in this same area of life in the future; you’re just getting better at working these issues out, gaining more wisdom each time, and experiencing more success. You can imagine it like a staircase. You’re standing at the bottom, perhaps rock bottom, and you know the stairs lead somewhere magical. Every step is better, more successful. Every step you take builds muscles and knowledge. By the time you’re 15 steps up, you’re getting pretty darned good at success.
The Success Balance
Now, we must remember that if we crush a goal in one area of our lives, it doesn’t mean that area won’t experience hardship again. Nor does it mean all other areas in our lives get better simultaneously. For example, manifesting going from $12 in your bank account to $12 million doesn’t mean the rest of your life will be totally smooth moving. Yes, you will easily make rent/mortgage and car payments, which is tremendous in your current life context, but it doesn’t mean there won’t be overwhelming hardships knocking at your new mansion door tomorrow. Your health may take a dip. Upkeep on the house, massive electric bills, and staff salaries will rise proportionally to your lifestyle. Lawsuits or loss of friends or family may arise from pursuing or having money. Anything can happen.
Let’s shift this finance example a bit. If you’re born into money, you won’t have the skills and wisdom collected from scraping by and learning how to build wealth from the bottom up. Building from $0 rather than depending on a trust fund gives you the skills to build from $0 again if the case arises, which it may! Anything can happen! The ability to build wisdom in every sense is impossible for humans. That’s ok; we have a limited number of years on Earth and can’t experience everything or gain all the skills. However, we can do everything possible to extract wisdom from what we’re given. The key is noticing our discomfort and choosing how to access, understand, and master it, alchemizing it into bliss.
“Successful people simply know how to turn challenges into gold.” – Analiesa
Celebrating All Successes
Success is a momentary blip in time that must be consciously harnessed and celebrated. This is where the joy and happiness we’re all looking for in this lifetime exists, but we often ignore our accomplishments because we’ve immediately hit another plateau; our success has lifted us to the next higher stair step, and all we can see is the climb. You’re seeing yourself at the bottom again, as if the stairs you’ve accomplished have disappeared.
Rejoicing your successes gives you a much-needed break, a healthy boost in your happy hormonal chemistry, and a re-wiring of your brain to expect celebrations for work well done. It’s important to understand that while you’re celebrating by popping champagne at your favorite club, luxuriating on a beach, or paying your rent with a few extra bucks to spare (go you!), you’re actively on a break. You’re not using the wisdom you’ve achieved. You’re not applying skills to manifest more. You’re not learning, growing, or developing. You’re in a state of relaxation, completing a sacred cycle of conquering a pain or struggle and the journey that came with it.
Celebrating success does, however, build the skill of wanting, which effortlessly blends into manifesting. Succeeding at that stair step is up-leveling you vibrationally to match the next level of your wants, and you now have the skills and wisdom to manifest with more ease and grace.
The Reason for the Journey
The reason to up-level with our journeys isn’t to live in some magical mansion with staff at your beck and call, go on fabulous holidays to 5-star resorts year-round, or have a terribly fancy yacht. Yes, we have goals in life, which are manifestable if you have the right foundations. The reason for the journey is to become more successful at the journey to success.
Hear me out.
While deep in your journey or path, you’re developing incredible skills to see you through your subsequent hardships. And these skills are building the energetic foundations that will float you in your next crisis. And what does a crisis give you? Future bliss if you use your skills appropriately. Life is full of ups and downs, no matter who you are. Anything can happen!
So when you achieve success and celebrate, it’s now time to step up and create new goals and new dreams. You’ve been up-leveled, and you can now begin manifesting on a higher level because attaining the skills to conquer your problems makes you an energetic match to the higher-level being you’re becoming.
Bringing It All Together
You’ve heard it before: We are spiritual beings having a human experience. So, why do “bad” things exist? If there’s a God/Spirit/Universe who unconditionally loves us, why does he/she want us to experience pain?
If we didn’t have pain, we wouldn’t have personal development. How would we step into more? How would we gain tools to rise and experience joy, bliss, achievement, and life’s great mysteries? We would live a “positive” existence with no context of darkness to highlight the light. In essence, the positivity would be diluted to neutrality. It would be bland. Boring. Tiring.
Learning to turn our human pain into bliss is the sacred act of the journey.
The first steps:
In my experience as a healer and coach, the first steps are crucial. Stopping self-medication, whether it’s drugs or alcohol, sex, gambling, or something quieter like constant music or TV to drown out the voices in your head or feelings. When we participate in activities that are solely to dampen our experience as human beings, this is a red flag to STOP and immediately feel into these feelings to see what truly comes up from a sober perspective.
Once you feel into the feelings, it’s essential to dig into the root of the problem. The issues surrounding you and those you’re complaining about are not the problems. There are many ways to begin digging to the root of the problem, which is most likely a limiting belief a past trauma instilled in your mind. Once you have that identified, consider how you may be self-sabotaging. Perhaps believing you’re abandoned is your root problem, undermined by a lack of worthiness. This could be why you push loved ones away, creating more feelings of abandonment, even though they’re your teammates, your lifesavers, your people.
You should consider joining a community of people like you to ease your spiritual or healing path. When we are at the beginning of a journey, we can use help from people in similar situations, especially when the community contains people who have been in your shoes before! Having like-hearted and minded people giving you levity on your path makes it substantially easier.
Life isn’t easy until you learn how to battle hardships. Join our community and learn how; we’ll teach you the way to dig in, address your shadows and begin filling your life up with light and authenticity, while receiving energy healings each week. It’s time you get to know your true self, and turn life’s stress and hardships into something that contains excitement… because once you know how to surf this wave, you’ll be on your way to blissful happiness.
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